School Library News & Announcements

Full Operation Mode for Library of School of Economics and Political Sciences starting on Monday November 1st, 2021

Categories Library of the School of Economics and Political Sciences

From Monday 1/11/2021 the library of the School of Economics and Political Sciences  returns to full operation, taking at the same time all the necessary protection measures for both the public and the staff.


Opening hours: The opening hours for the public are Monday-Thursday 9:00-19:30, Friday 9:00-16:00

Conditions for the public to enter the library: Patrons & visitors’ sole obligations will be the mandatory use of a face mask to all Libraries’ premises for the duration of their visit, as well as the demonstration of a COVID-19 related certificate (vaccination / illness / recent rapid test), upon entrance to the Libraries’ facilities.

Reading space: the use of the reading space is free without an appointment.

Bookshelves: The search of the material in the bookshelves is done by the users and where there is a need it is done with the help of the staff.

Remote service: Remote service continues with all electronic services and information sources wich are available in the library.

Institutional repository "Πέργαμος": The process of submitting documents of Institutional repository "Πέργαμος" continues to be done electronically, without the need for the student to come to the library.