School Library News & Announcements

Instructions for using the library’s services due to COVID-19

Categories Library of the School of Economics and Political Sciences

The Library is open for the public using the following timetables: Monday through Friday between 08:30-15:30.

At this stage of operation:

The borrowing and interloaning services of books with pre-accounting operate. 

For Departments of Economics and Business Administration:

contact by phone (+ 30) 210 368 8023-25, (+ 30) 210 368 8086) or by e-mail ( 

For Departments of  Political Science & Public Administration, Communication and Media Studies, Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies, Sociology:

APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION: A necessary condition for the loan is the registration of a member. You will find the application in the section USEFUL DOCUMENTS on the library website Fill it in and send it to one of the following mails: For the departments Political Science & Public Administration, Communication and Media Studies, Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies, Sociology:,, 

BOOK LOAN: Borrowing extends to undergraduate students.

BOOK LOAN APPLICATION: Anyone wishing to borrow books seeks the titles in the library catalogue OPAC. Submits his request (book titles and class numbers) to the loan form. Receipt of the books is notified by the library by email that his request has been processed.

DAILY BOOK LOAN: It is borrowing with return of books on the same day for external users who do not have the right to borrow. Submit a daily loan form. 

INTERLIBRARY BOOK LOAN APPLICATION:Borrowing of books, which do not exist in our library, from libraries of other universities participating in interloaning. Submit an interloan form.